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Books in the PassePartout Book Series (all in Dutch):
- Peter Brook and the Island of Imagination
(original Dutch title: Peter Brook en het Eiland van Verbeelding) (1995) by Emile Schra. Foreword by Paul Binnerts
- Actor Adrift (original Dutch title: Acteur op Drift) (1995)
by Yoshi Oida and Lorna Marshall. Foreword by Peter Brook. Introduction by Emile Schra
- The Paper Canoe (original Dutch title: De Kano van Papier) (1997)
by Eugenio Barba. Foreword by Dragan Klaic
- Le Corps Poétique (original Dutch title: Het Lichaam als Dichter) (2001)
by Jacques Lecoq. Foreword by Rina Sikkema

PPCahiers (all in Dutch):
- PPCahier 1, 1998: The Other Odysseus; 7 texts around theatre maker Eugenio Barba
(original Dutch title: De Andere Odysseus; Zeven teksten rond Theatermaker Eugenio Barba); edited by Emile Schra
- PPCahier 2, 1998: A Vision from India; Thoughts on Theatre, Culture and Politics
(original Dutch title: Een Visie uit India; Gedachten over theater, cultuur en politiek) by Rustom Bharucha; edited by Emile Schra
- PPCahier 3, 2002: Intercultural Puzzles; Richard Schechner and the theatre of the 21st Century
(original Dutch title: Interculturele Puzzels; Richard Schechner en het Theater in de 21ste Eeuw); edited by Kees Epskamp and Emile Schra